SEARCH:rossguythe Internet


Technology News
Remember efrog? After a while I came to the conclusion that the name wasn't that descriptive. So, efrog is now Technology and all is well on rossguy. Its not complete as I would like it, but it will be improved. Have a nice day!
Net Guide: Search List- A list of my favorite search engines.

>>Something to do: Googlewhacking

Google Compete with a friend to see who can find only one result on Google with a two-word query. One phrase that has worked ",Googlewhacking Slacker." Point systems have been used and the game has become serious with some.
>>Cool Site:
The Wayback Machine

Ever wondered what Amazon looked like in 1996? Well, you can use the Wayback Machine to see what any site has looked like in the past and what was on it. Every site on the Internet is archived.



get this gear!

get this gear!